Watch Your Step: Fall Risk Prevention and Detection Program
Sports Excellence of the First Orthopaedic Surgery Department of the School of Medicine of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), which operates with an exclusive donation from the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF), in addition to its contribution to high-level sports (pre-national, national teams and Olympic teams of all sports) announces the launch of the program Watch Your Step: Fall Prevention and Detection Program aimed at people over 65 years old.
The Benefits of Exercise in Preventing Falls
Falls are a significant risk to the physical and mental health of people 65 and older. According to studies, many people who have experienced a fall in the past have a high level of fear of repeating the incident, leading to a decrease in their mobility and autonomy. Our program aims to detect fall risk through questionnaires and specific tests, as well as training in specific exercise programs that reduce fall risk.
“Exercise is therapy” and patients need:
• Information
• Incentives/p>
• Continuous Feedback
• Continuous Control
• Easy access to exercise programs
Purpose: Detecting Fall Risk and Providing an Individualized Falls Prevention Program
The purpose of the program is to detect the percentage of a person’s risk of falling. At the same time, based on this assessment, you will create a personalized exercise program aimed at preventing falls and that meets the requirements of different ages and different levels of fitness.
The staff supporting the program consists of university doctors, physical education scientists, physical therapists, as well as the necessary administrative staff.
The selection of the patient for his participation in the program, as well as his monitoring throughout, is based on a scientifically documented process.

Indicative Mode of Operation of the Falls Prevention Center
• Evaluation by a Doctor, Physiotherapist and Physical Education Professor
• Anthropometric control and body composition
• Assessment of fitness level
• Creation of an electronic medical record
• Provision of specific fall prevention exercises
• Monitoring through electronic questionnaires
• Continuous Feedback
Expected Outcome for Participants
Participants can improve their physical and mental condition, reduce the feeling of fear of falling and strengthen their autonomy.
Exercise features are designed based on recent scientific evidence.
The inclusion of exercise in the patient’s daily life improves his quality of life.
The strong points of the program are the direct access and the application of personalized therapeutic exercise methods.

Contact number: 695 5190 208