Action For Cancer

The Sports Excellence Center that operates under the scientific supervision of the 1st Orthopaedic Surgical Department of Medical School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), operating with an exclusive donation from the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF), in addition to its contribution to elite-level sports (pre-national, national teams and Olympic teams of all sports) introduces the program “Therapeutic Exercise-Action for Cancer” for cancer patients.
Who is “Action for Cancer” for:
The program applies to patients with malignant neoplasms:
• Breast
• Lung
• Colon
• Urogenital
• Musculoskeletal System
The Benefits of Exercise
The fight against cancer is a long process. According to recent studies, a very small percentage of cancer patients participate in exercise programs despite the fact that adding exercise to a cancer patient’s daily routine has been shown to significantly improve their physical and psychological condition and in many cases increase life expectancy.
EXERCISE is THERAPY and patients need:»
• Information
• Motivation
• Continuous Feedback
• Regular follow-ups
• Easy Access to exercise programs
Purpose: Providing a Personalized Program to Cancer Patients
Our aim is to create a personalized exercise program that covers all stages of the disease (pre-surgery, post-surgery, chemotherapy and recovery), different ages and different fitness levels.
The staff supporting the program consists of university doctors, physical education scientists, physical therapists as well as the necessary administrative staff.
The selection of the patient for his participation in the program, as well as his monitoring throughout, is based on a scientifically documented process. Requirement for patients’ participation in the program is the submission of their treating oncologist’s written consent as well as their cardiologist’s consent that they can participate in exercise programs under supervision.
How Therapeutic Exercise Center Works
• Evaluation by a Doctor, Physiotherapist and Physical Education Teacher
• Monitoring of biochemical indicators at the start, during and at the end of the program
• Anthropometric control and body composition
• Assessment of fitness level
•Program start – duration 12 weeks (3 times a week)
• Creation of an electronic medical record
• Additional monitoring through electronic questionnaires
• Recording of subjective fatigue and performance at the end of each session
• Patients’ re-evaluation half-way through the program (6 weeks)
• Educational lectures
• Continuous Feedback
• Upon completion of the program (12 weeks), a three-month exercise program will be given with the aim of continuing the exercise which can also be monitored online
• Re-evaluation in 6 and 9 months period following the completion of the program
Expected Outcome for Participants
Participants can improve their physical and mental condition reduce the feeling of pain and the side effects of treatment
Exercise sessions are designed based on the latest scientific evidence.
Incorporating exercise in patients’ daily lives seems to improve their quality of life.
Strengths of the program include patients’ direct access to organized, personalized and safety driven therapeutic exercise program.
Contact number : 695 5190 208
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